Adding a cursor over on hover

Make a cursor show over an element

You can change the cursor when the mouse is over an element or an area. There are two methods described here:

  • Defining a style declaration and assigning it in the classes field

  • Defining the cursor style in the styles fieldf

Defining a style declaration

.pointerCursor {
   cursor: pointer;

If you are defining the class in the stylesheet template then exclude the style tags like so:

.pointerCursor {
    cursor: pointer;

Assign the class to the element you want to have a cursor:

To have a cursor change only when the mouse is hovering over the element use the hover pseudo state:

.pointerCursor:hover {
   cursor: pointer;

Unlike other styles and properties the cursor only changes when the mouse is over an element so either style declaration will work.

Defining the cursor style in the styles field

You can also add a cursor by setting the cursor style in the styles field:

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