How Exporting Works

Going from Adobe XD to HTML

Exporting takes your artboard and elements and exports it to the web.

Each element is translated into a HTML or SVG code counter part.

Artboards are exported as a div. In the documentation Artboards are referred to as views.

Artboard layers and groups are exported as HTMLElements. HTMLElement is the base class for HTML elements like div, img, span, etc. In the documentation layers and groups are referred to as elements.

Exported Elements

Layers are converted to the default HTML and CSS at this time.

You can add or subtract to the exported HTML and CSS.

The code you see here is subject to change.

The first goal has been to get an accurate representation.

The second phase is to improve the code quality from the feedback of the community.

The code you see here is able to be changed by you using the tools provided.

Any layer can be exported as an image. Use the Export as Image option.

Page template

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8"/>
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"/>
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">


	<div id="Home_Page">...</div>


	<div id="Home">...</div>
	<div id="Products">...</div>
	<div id="Services">...</div>
	<div id="About">...</div>
	<div id="Contact">...</div>


<div id="Group_76">


<div id="My_summer_vacation">
	<span>My summer vacation</span>


<svg class="Rectangle_452">
	<rect id="Rectangle_452" fill="rgba(209,17,17,1)" rx="0" ry="0" x="0" y="0" width="624" height="16">


<svg class="Ellipse_1">
	<ellipse id="Ellipse_1" fill="rgba(99,214,103,1)" stroke="rgba(34,44,65,1)" stroke-width="1px" stroke-linejoin="miter" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-miterlimit="4" shape-rendering="auto" rx="42.5" ry="42.5" cx="42.5" cy="42.5">


<svg class="Line_86" viewBox="0 0 574.5 1">
	<path fill="transparent" stroke="rgba(112,112,112,1)" stroke-width="1px" stroke-linejoin="miter" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-miterlimit="4" shape-rendering="auto" id="Line_86" d="M 0 0 L 574.5 0">


<svg class="Path_1" viewBox="0 34.487 85 50.513">
	<path fill="rgba(99,214,103,1)" stroke="rgba(34,44,65,1)" stroke-width="1px" stroke-linejoin="miter" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-miterlimit="4" shape-rendering="auto" id="Path_1" d="M 42.5 54.592529296875 C 65.97209930419922 54.592529296875 85 19.02790069580078 85 42.5 C 85 65.97209930419922 65.97209930419922 85 42.5 85 C 19.02790069580078 85 0 65.97209930419922 0 42.5 C 0 19.02790069580078 19.02790069580078 54.592529296875 42.5 54.592529296875 Z">


<svg class="Polygon_1" viewBox="0 0 127 110">
	<path fill="rgba(99,214,103,1)" stroke="rgba(74,153,195,1)" stroke-width="1px" stroke-linejoin="miter" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-miterlimit="4" shape-rendering="auto" id="Polygon_1" d="M 95.25 0 L 127 55 L 95.25 110 L 31.74999618530273 110 L 0 54.99999618530273 L 31.75000762939453 0 Z">


<img id="Group_1" src="Group_1.png" srcset="Group_1.png 1x, Group_1@2x.png 2x">

If you are new to web development or want a well rounded review read Getting Started with the Web.

Last updated

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